You Can Make A Difference!
Find YOUR place to serve.
Find YOUR place to serve.
Live as a Worshipper
Be a welcoming presence to all who come onto our campus. Serve by smiling, greeting, providing a name tag, Sunday bulletin, helping guests with parking or navigating steps, etc.
Help create a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Serve by setting up, displaying food and drinks, greeting, connecting, and cleaning up.
Assist with collecting the offering and prayer requests at the end of the worship service,
Assist with setting up, draining, and cleaning the baptistry. Also, assist preparing the dressing room for people being baptized.
We seek to build up the church while experiencing authentic worship with God through music, scripture, and preaching the Gospel. Serve with singing in the choir or playing an instruments.
We desire to create an engaging worship experience for everyone, both in person and online. Serve as an audio engineer, slide displays, lighting or camera operator, or social media.
Assist preparing Communion cups and collecting used cups to throw away.
Assist with the sound, video, live-stream, and cameras. Training provided.
Love as a Community
We partner with families with birth through Kindergarten, to know who God is, how much He loves them, and that He has a plan for their lives. Serve at check-in, Children’s Church during Worship, Community Groups, Vacation Bible School, and special events.
Background checks required.
We partner with families with 1st-6th Graders, to know who God is, how much He loves them, and that He has a plan for their lives. Serve at check-in, Community Groups, Vacation Bible School, Centrikid, Fall Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, and all other special events.
Background checks required.
We partner with families with 7th-12th grade Students, to passionately live, love and lead like Jesus. Help lead the next generation towards developing life-long faith. Serve in Community Groups, Wednesday Half-Time, MFUGE Mission trip, transportation, & special events.
Background checks required.
Serve by facilitating a group, assist the leader, plan events, make connect through out the week of participants.
Serve by facilitating a group, assist the leader, plan events, make connect through out the week of participants.
Serve with planning, driving, suggesting ideads.
Serve by facilitating a group, assist the leader, plan events, make connect through out the week of participants.
Serve by facilitating a group, assist the leader, plan events, make connect through out the week of participants.
Visit a senrior adults shut-in at home or retirement homes.
Lead as a Servant
Providing information and help for the physical and emotional health of members and the community. Help plane health fairs and Blood drives.
Assist on Sunday and events to provide a watchful eye and trained response to keep all attendees safe.
Join a team of people who prayer walk, hand our flyers, and share the gospel int he community.
Help pick up college students by driving the bus. Having a CDL is helpful, but not required.
Help with moving days for families in the church.
Help remove snow from sidewalks and driveways for senior citizens.
Help with minor car maintenance and repairs for those in need.
Come help serve dinner before for every game for the Varsity football team.
We believe that a church partnership with an FH community plays a vital role in a community’s development journey. Join us in coming alongside our partner community spiritually, physically, relationally, and emotionally enabling the most vulnerable have hope for the future!
Every August, we provide school clothes and school supplies for children in need.
3rd Monday each month
6pm – Fellowship & Refreshment
6:30pm – Meeting
6pm – Fellowship & Refreshment
6:30pm – Meeting
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Help pack shoeboxes on a seasonal basis.
Meeting the Physical and Spiritual Needs of the 434 Community. Help with food prep at the warehouse, distribution of food in the community, or donate money.
Volunteering to build steps and ramps for those with physical challenges.
Our Mission is to restore the lives of families and communities by building relationships and providing life-changing resources.
The Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center exists to comfort those facing unexpected pregnancies or in need of pregnancy support by providing free services, education, and practical help with a holistic and compassionate approach.