Turning a
tiny acorn…
into a
mighty oak.
“Jesus said, ‘For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.'” Matthew 12:34
West Lynchburg Baptist Church and
The Virginia Baptist Foundation, INC.
“Securing tomorrow…. today.”
It is no accident that a church founded in 1905 is today a vibrant, healthy, and caring congregation. The WLBC Endowment Fund was established to assist members and friends to spread the gospel at home and aboard.
Through the faithful stewardship, commitment, and generosity of its members, WLBC historically has supported diverse mission endeavors as approved by the Endowment Committee.
In the words of the Apostle Paul, God can “supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.” (2 Corinthians 9:10) With accumulated assets, we can invest permanently in the future ministries of West Lynchburg Baptist Church. Investing wisely today will help to equip future generations with the financial resources for worthwhile mission projects that continue to share the gospel. This will enable us to fulfill our mission of magnifying the greatness of God for the joy of multiplying disciples.
Want to GIVE to missions?
Please consider giving to the WLBC Endowment Fund. Your gift will leave a legacy of your life and live for missions for the future generations to utilize through the ministries of Wets Lynchburg Baptist Church.
Planned giving to the Missions Endowment Fund can be made in many different ways.
Want to GO on a mission trip?
The WLBC Endowment Committee may be able to help! Let us consider supporting your pursuit to bring others to Christ. Fill out the application below.