Our Purpose: Magnifying the greatness of God for the joy of multiplying disciples
Ministry goal
As men of God, by the grace of Christ, we will grow together in loving our brothers as Christ does.” 1 Jn. 3:16, “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.”
Ministry focus
It is vitally important that men’s ministries not become another event that takes men away from their families. In other words, for wives and families to support this ministry, they must see concrete evidence that the gathering achieved its goal of making better men. Each man must return home refreshed, renewed, and recharged to walk as Christ in the presence of his family. The more the family experiences this, the more they will appreciate the time he spends with the men. This is not just “men being boys and having fun,” but “men who have come together to build better men for the sake of better relationships at home and in the world.”
Men’s Ministry Discipleship Pathway

With the motto, “No Man Left Behind,” we desire to see ALL men grow in ALL areas of life for the glory of God. Therefore, we will reach men where they are and challenge them to take the next step of Biblical manhood. We start with capturing the attention of unengaged men, moving them toward connecting with men in the body of Christ, and finally coaching men to become effective in building other men.

Noble Warriors
Men’s Equipping Conference Charlottesville – March 15
Speakers Dave Wilson & Steve Fitzhugh, 16 Equipping Workshops, & Resources Specific To Men.
Only $25 if signed up
by February 15.
Men’s Breakfast
(unscheduled at this time)
Join the growing Men’s Ministry to enjoy great food, friends, and grow in our faith!
Bring a friend!