Missions and Mercy Ministry
Woman’s Missionary Union
  • Esther Circle (Adult Women)
      • Meets 3rd Mondays
      • 6:30pm Food, 7:00pm Agenda
  • Mission Prayer Group (Adult Women)
      • Meets 1st Tuesdays, 10:00am
  • Mission Friends (Preschool)
      • Sundays @ 11:00am
What is Woman’s Missionary Union?
WMU® is an organization with one purpose: to help the church carry out the mission it has been given by God to reach the world. WMU provides training and resources to aid the church in its mission.
Begun in 1888, WMU has always been true to its basic purpose: missions. WMU supports the Southern Baptist Convention and its International Mission Board and North American Mission Board.  
WMU Watch Word 
“Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me'” (Mark 8:34 NIV)
The vision statement of WMU reads:
Woman’s Missionary Union challenges Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God. Jesus told His followers to go and share the gospel (see Matthew 28:18–20). 
Our mission is to inform and inspire the Christian woman to influence her world for Christ.
Missions means obeying these words of Jesus. WMU wants to help all believers share the gospel in their communities, in the nation, and around the world.
  • We will commit to pray for God’s Spirit to be unleashed in the world.
  • We will commit to be leaders of influence with uncompromised integrity.
  • We will commit to be courageous in our calling and engaged in our culture.
  • We will commit to be passionate about God as we step out and take risks together.
WMU is an organization with one purpose:
to help the church carry out the mission it has been given by God to reach the world.
WMU provides training and resources to aid the church in its mission. 

WMU’s work has six basic tasks that form the heart of all that WMU does. Each of the tasks is based on New Testament principles. These tasks are:
  • Learn about missions Paul took time to tell the early churches what was happening in his missionary efforts. Learning about missions helps church members want to participate. It helps them develop abilities and methods to effectively pray for, give to, and do missions.
  • Pray for missions Early Christians supported the work of Paul and other early missionaries. In reading the New Testament it is clear that Paul and others believed prayer was one of the best tools for the success of missions. WMU helps church members learn how to pray effectively for missionaries and their work.
  • Support missions As the church began to grow, early Christians realized that it was their responsibility to help support missions efforts in many ways. These included giving money to help missionaries like Paul and others do their work.
  • Do missions and witness In Matthew 25 Jesus teaches us that when we minister to the needs of others, we are showing our love for God. WMU encourages and provides opportunities for church members to minister and witness to those who are not Christians.
  • Develop spiritually toward a missions lifestyle In Ephesians Paul urges Christians to grow strong through God’s power so that they can work for Him. WMU helps people grow in their understanding of Who God is and what He is calling them to do. As they grow closer to God, people learn what their part is in fulfilling the Great Commission.
  • Participate in the work of the church and the denomination The church’s early members cooperated and worked together. WMU members and leaders are a part of the work of the whole church. This includes worship, evangelism, missions, ministry, discipleship, and fellowship.
Promote Offerings and Collections for: 
  • Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
  • Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
  • Alma Hunt State Missions Offering
  • World Hunger Offering
  • Lynchburg Baptist Association Offering
Also Participate with
  • Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center Baby Bottle Coin Collection
  • Coats for Kids
  • Devotions and Bingo at The Carrington
  • Devotions, Games, and Refreshments at the Juvenile Detention Home
  • Donations and Driving for Meals on Wheels
  • Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
  • Mary’s Stuffed Cat Project for Operation
  • Christmas Child Shoeboxes
  • Nickelsville Mission Trip
  • Providing Thanksgiving Dinner to English as a Second Language Class Families
  • Used Eyeglasses Collection for His Vision
  • Ministry of Humbly I Serve
  • Collecting and distributing Klothes4Kids
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Pilgrim Tract Society
  • Camp Little Crossroads
  • Dr. Yaw Ghana Ministry
Deacon Ministry
“For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus” (1st Timothy 3:13 ESV). Our Deacons are handpicked men who are dedicated to serving the families of this church. They take care of our shut-ins and widows and each family or individual that joins is assigned to a deacon for prayer and mentorship.
Health Team
There are many health professionals in our congregation. This team serves the church by providing free clinics, health advice, and running blood drives to donate blood to the Red Cross. They are interested in helping us honor the Lord with our bodies.
Mission Trips
As a member church of the Southern Baptist Convention, we give a portion of our collections to the International Mission Board (IMB) and North American Mission Board (NAMB). By doing this, we are always supporting missions abroad. We also participate in local missions through the Lynchburg Baptist Association (LBA). West Lynchburg Baptist has sent many mission teams of its own to places across the globe including Haiti, Baltimore, and South Asia. We are a church with a heart for missions. Our local branch of the Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) has missionary circles where they get together and pray for specific missionaries, raise support for them, and help them with practical needs.